Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's about moments.

It's about moments.  That's what my job is about, capturing moments.

Today, while covering the Special Olympics at Milton Frank stadium one of those moments happened.  I was talking to a reporter and another photographer about football.  We were talking about good plays, bad calls, and all things football.  I was not really doing my job, which was to cover the Special Olympics.  I was talking about the amazing play which LSU used to beat my beloved Gators when I saw it.

The moment.

Two special olympians sharing a hug, much more than a hug, a moment.  It wasn't the greatest moment in the history of photography. Not the best shot I'll ever shoot.  But I stopped talking and started shooting.  I was afraid the moment would disappear before my eyes, and my camera.  Two people with the madness of a Special Olympics all around them acting like time had stopped so they could share all the joy of the moment.  It lasted only a few seconds, then they were swept up in the chaos.  The moment was gone.

But that's the thing about moments, we treasure them because they are so fleeting. The moment is a nexus of time and life which is destined to disappear.  And it's this nexus I'm always seeking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. A moment captured carefully, like a butterfly in a net. Beautiful and no harm done.